I was wondering how to get the inverse of power in Ruby?

2 ** 4 # => 16

and then I would like to get the inverse of it, and I'm not sure which operator to use

16 ?? 2 # => 4
  • To get simple square root, just use Ruby's Math.sqrt(16) # => 4.0 - you get a float because a square root is not always an integer. If you definitely want/expect an integer, cast the result to an int with Math.sqrt(16).to_i. which will round the result down to the nearest integer. Feb 4, 2021 at 15:07

3 Answers 3


The inverse of exponentiation is the logarithm. If ab = c, then logac = b.

You can find logarithm functions in the Math module, specifically log() for base-e and log10() for base-10.

To get a logarithm to a different base (say n), use the formula logNa = logxa/logxN, where x is a value such as e or 10.

For your specific case:

= loge16/loge2
= Math.log(16) / Math.log(2)
= 4

Whether you consider the explanation good because it expands your knowledge, or bad because you hated high school math, is entirely up to you :-)

  • 4
    Ha, thanks a lot paxdiablo this was a very good explanation, and yes you're right I used to hate it, but now I can see that I've missed a lot because of that, cheers!
    – zanona
    Jul 20, 2010 at 2:24
Math.log(16) / Math.log(2)

A cleaner way to obtain the logarithm, starting with Ruby 1.9.1, would be to use Math.log2:

[1] pry(main)> Math.log2(2**4)
=> 4.0

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