While running an application, I am getting this as error-

"platform not supported,check Vm properties os.name and os.arch. No Java found, pls install java"
whereas I do have Java 32 and 64 bit. My path is set for 64 bit but even changing the path didnt resolve the issue. This application runs on 32 bit Java-1.6.0

  • Try fully qualifying the java executable: C:\path\to\jdk\bin\java.exe -classpath . MyClass or whatever classpath and class name you use.
    – Andreas
    Oct 2, 2015 at 0:05
  • 1
    @Gurveer - you should always paste the actual message you get, don't re-type it. For example, I expect it actually says "please", not "pls". While that difference is not important, re-typing can introduce mistakes in the message that may prevent people from being able to help you.
    – Stephen P
    Oct 2, 2015 at 0:50
  • Are you sure you have a 64-bit OS? Which version is it? Have you tried to use a more up to date version of Java as a newer version might not work? Oct 2, 2015 at 11:54


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