After searching a lot on internet when I could not get a solution I am here.

I have a requirement in my project which supports multiple languages.
When I am switching to a specific language it works fine if the language is already there in system language preferences, if not it shows an error.
To resolve error I had to go manually to the below location and then add language.

Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Language >> Add a Language

And everything works as expected.

This is what I want to do programmatically: In code somehow I could add a language to system language preference list.

(c# - preferred language).

How would I do this?

1 Answer 1


You might want to consider installing the language during the installation of your software, if it's a desktop application, because adding a new language will require admin rights anyways.

If it's a web page, you will have even more troubles doing so because there will be no installation program.

You might want to make a specific culture mandatory and choose to support a fallback instead.


For a manual installation that could be automated during your installation procedure, you can find language files on Microsoft's website: (pick the "Download Center" version) and follow the tutorial for unattended windows installation :

if it can be of any use, this post on SuperUser will show you which rights are required to install a language.

  • Luckily Its a windows application. Can you elaborate a bit more how to install a language while installing application.
    – C For Code
    Oct 5, 2015 at 8:05
  • if you have a setup program, such as InstallShield you can either add a script to install your language, or even maybe it is supported by the installation builder. it will really depend on what product you use. however, again, you should ask yourself : If I was a user of that application and I decided not to have that culture installed on my computer: Would I really want another software to install it for me behind my back? Oct 5, 2015 at 8:09
  • You can find language files here: windows.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/language-packs#lptabs=win81 (pick the "Download Center" version) and follow that tutorial for unattended windows installation : technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766278(v=ws.10).aspx. If this works for you, I'll copy it in the Answer Oct 5, 2015 at 8:17

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