I have two URLS of the type :

val url = "../../a/b/c.html"

val parentURL = "http://www.someurl.com/section1/section2/section3.html"

What I am looking to do is to produce a resulting String as follow :

val resultingString = "http://www.someurl.com/section1/a/b/c.html"

I can count the occurrences of ".." in the first URL, but I have no idea how to use it to kind of "substring" the parentURL the way I want.

Any help ?

2 Answers 2


Handling URLs is messy with all kinds of exceptions. I recommend using the methods provided by the JVM to handle this.

val parsed = new java.net.URL(parentURL)
new URL(
  java.nio.file.Paths.get(parsed.getFile, url).normalize.toString)

You could use the standard functions of Scala as follows if you want to parse it yourself:

val parts = url.split('/').foldLeft(parentURL.split('/')) { case (cur, dir) =>
  if (dir == ".") cur // stay in current directory
  else if (dir == "..") cur.dropRight(1) // go up in the tree
  else cur :+ dir // cd into directory

parts.mkString("/") // build the string back

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