I am very new to fabric. In my fabric file I want to restart gunicorn. For that I am killing the gunicorn process first and then starting it..

It looks like:

def restart_gunicorn():
    run('ps ax|grep gunicorn')
    run('pkill gunicorn')
    run('gunicorn -b %(path)s/application/wsgi &' % env)

When I run this it gives me error at pkill gunicorn because at start i will not have any gunicorn process running. So I want to have a check lik if gunicorn processes are running then only kill gunicorn. If not gunicorn process are running I just want to start the gunicorn process..

How can I do this ? Need help. Thank you


1 Answer 1


You can just add settings(warn_only=True) and will only give you a warning, but the execution won't fail:

def restart_gunicorn():
    run('ps ax|grep gunicorn')
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        run('pkill gunicorn')
    run('gunicorn -b %(path)s/application/wsgi &' % env)

More info on settings context manager here: http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.10/api/core/context_managers.html#fabric.context_managers.settings

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