I want to convert Matlab code which is doing an XOR on two vectors into Python. I have tried to do this using the numpy.logical_xor() function but this is failing because the two arrays being compared are not of the same shape, preventing broadcasting from working.

The Matlab code I'm trying to emulate:


The current (non-working) attempt at the above in Python:

test5 = np.logical_xor(np.array(range(len(test2[test3]))), test4)

When this line executes I get the following error:

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (366217,) (120655,)

I also get the same result when I add an axis to each of the arrays using numpy.expand_dims(), I get messages such as

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (1, 366217) (1, 120655)
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (366217,1) (120655,1)

The issue is the different lengths of test2[test3] and test4, and it seems that the Matlab setxor() functino works fine on vectors of different lengths but the numpy equivalent requires vectors of equal length.

How can I perform an XOR on two 1-D numpy arrays of different lengths? Or perhaps I am misunderstanding what is happening in the Matlab code and/or using the wrong Python function for this?

  • It might be easier to help if you gave a simple example of desired input and output (with test2, test3, and test4 of much smaller sizes), and explain in words what the Matlab code is meant to do.
    – DSM
    Oct 10, 2015 at 16:16

1 Answer 1


MATLAB/Octave setxor

Return the elements exclusive to A or B, sorted in ascending order.

that's a set operation

octave:2> setxor([1,2,3,4],[5,3])
ans =
   1   2   4   5

np.logical_xor is an element by element comparison, not a set operation.

I think there are some set operations in numpy, but I'd have look them up. I know there is a set class in Python

In [176]: x=set([1,2,3,4])    
In [177]: x.symmetric_difference([5,3])
Out[177]: set([1, 2, 4, 5])

setdiff1d is a set difference function, which could be used as

In [188]: xa=np.array([1,2,3,4])
In [189]: ya=np.array([5,3])
In [190]: np.concatenate([np.setdiff1d(xa,ya),np.setdiff1d(ya,xa)])
Out[190]: array([1, 2, 4, 5])

It uses np.unique and np.in1d; a setxor could be rewritten using those functions.

In [199]: np.concatenate([xa[np.in1d(xa,ya,invert=True)],
Out[199]: array([1, 2, 4, 5])

(may want to use xa=np.unique(xa) etc first).

My guess is that if there is a defined setxor function it will be built from these same pieces.

Bingo, a Google search on numpy set operations produced:


In [201]: np.setxor1d(xa,ya)
Out[201]: array([1, 2, 4, 5])

It does: (for 2 unique arrays)

    aux = np.concatenate( (ar1, ar2) )
    flag = np.concatenate( ([True], aux[1:] != aux[:-1], [True] ) )
    flag2 = flag[1:] == flag[:-1]
    return aux[flag2]

So it makes a sorted concatenation of the arrays, and then removes the elements that aren't unique.

  • Excellent answer, this is exactly the solution, it works for me now. Thanks! Oct 10, 2015 at 22:41

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