I've more than 10 different strings that I want to replace. Right now, I'm using the manual method as shown in the following code.

"one","ab",TReplaceFlags()<< rfReplaceAll << rfIgnoreCase),
"two","cd",TReplaceFlags()<< rfReplaceAll << rfIgnoreCase),
"three","ef",TReplaceFlags()<< rfReplaceAll << rfIgnoreCase),
"four","gh",TReplaceFlags()<< rfReplaceAll << rfIgnoreCase),
"five","ij",TReplaceFlags()<< rfReplaceAll << rfIgnoreCase),
"six","kl",TReplaceFlags()<< rfReplaceAll << rfIgnoreCase),
"seven","mn",TReplaceFlags()<< rfReplaceAll << rfIgnoreCase);

...so on and on.

So, I want to know how to replace many strings using more practical and flexible method. Perhaps by using a specific function ?.

Thank you very much.

1 Answer 1


The RTL does not have a function for that purpose. You will have to write your own, eg:

struct StringReplacePattern
    String OldPattern;
    String NewPattern;

String __fastcall MultiStringReplace(const String S, const StringReplacePattern *Patterns, int NumPatterns, TReplaceFlags Flags)
    String Result = S;
    for (int i = 0; i < NumPatterns; ++i)
        Result = StringReplace(Result, Patterns[i].OldPattern, Patterns[i].NewPattern, Flags);
    return Result;

Then you can call it like this:

StringReplacePattern patterns[] = {
    {"one", "ab"},
    {"two", "cd"},
    {"three", "ef"},
    {"four", "gh"},
    {"five", "ij"},
    {"six", "kl"},
    {"seven", "mn"},
    // and so on...

String S = MultiStringReplace(MyEditor->Text, patterns, ARRAYSIZE(patterns), TReplaceFlags()<< rfReplaceAll << rfIgnoreCase);
  • All the praises and thanks be to the God!. Like your answers beforehand, this answer is also works perfectly. You're so great, indeed. Thank you very...really much, Remy!. Oct 14, 2015 at 22:12

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