Let's say I have the current status:

M File1.cs
M File2.cs
M File3.cs
! File4.cs
! File5.cs
! File6.cs

How do I bulk remove files 4, 5, 6 (!) from the next commit?

At the moment, I am just removing them manually before committing, like such:

hg remove File4.cs
hg remove File5.cs
hg remove File6.cs

But is there a way to remove them all at one go ?


4 Answers 4


Run hg addremove

  • 39
    remove --after is probably better (doesn't add files)
    – tonfa
    Jul 24, 2010 at 23:04
  • good point. I voted for close on the dupe, but you should add that answer anyway. Jul 25, 2010 at 3:21
hg remove --after

...is probably better (doesn't add files)

This is taken straight from the comment by tonfa in the accepted answer. I'm adding it because it was never added as a separate Answer.


Or just

hg addr

:) it is shortcut from

hg addremove

try the hg help system

hg help

and you will get the command in the beginning:

list of commands:
  add           add the specified files on the next commit
  addremove     add all new files, delete all missing files

so you can use

hg addremove

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