I have a List<string[]> stringStudentList where for each student array contains strings of all the properties. I need to convert this into the object Student in the fastest way possible.

For example string[] student1 = {"Billy", "16", "3.32", "TRUE"); needs to be converted to the class:

class Student
    string name { get; set; }
    int age { get; set; }
    double gpa { get; set; }
    bool inHonors { get; set; }

Then inserted into a List<Student>. There are millions of students in stringStudentList so this has to be as fast as possible. I am currently following this sample which grabs data from a CSV file but it is much too slow - takes several minutes to convert & parse the strings. How do I convert my list in the fastest way possible?

  • then make the List<string[]> change it to be var lstObject = new List<Student>() then the list can hold different datatypes..
    – MethodMan
    Oct 29, 2015 at 16:29
  • There are many deserialization mechanisms for .NET, try out a few and see which one's the fastest for your use case(s).
    – Chris O
    Oct 29, 2015 at 16:30

3 Answers 3


You can create a constructor for Student that takes a string[] as an argument:

Student(string[] profile)
    this.name = profile[0];
    this.age = int.Parse(profile[1]);
    this.gpa = double.Parse(profile[2]);
    this.inHonor = bool.Parse(profile[3]);

However, I think you should really look into Serialization in a situation like this.


Regular loop adding new Student into pre-allocated list would be quite fast:

//List<string[]> stringStudentList
var destination = new List<Student>(stringStudentList.Length);
foreach(var r in stringStudentList)
   destination.Add(new Student 
      name =r[0],
      age = int.Parse(r[1]),
      gpa = double.Parse(r[2]),
      inHonors = r[3] == "TRUE"

Something like this should work

var list students = new List<Student>();

foreach(var student in stringStudentList)
   students.Add(new Student
       name = student[0]
       age = int.Parse(student[1]),
       gpa = double.Parse(student[2]),
       inHonors = bool.Parse(student[3])
  • Thanks for the solution..I can't believe I overlooked something so simple.
    – A C
    Oct 29, 2015 at 16:55

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