I have a piece of code that has a lot of if and else if. And I just thought now that in multiplication, true evaluates to 1 and false evaluates to 0. Would it be safe and easier to read (because it's shorter) to substitute :

if(!this._isFetched('studentInfoFetched')) { 
        tempAddedTime += 1;
        estimatedTimePerStudent += 0.04 + 0.2;
        tempAddedTime += (!this._isFetched('studentExpirationFetched'))? 14 : 0;
        estimatedTimePerStudent += 1; 

for :

    tempAddedTime += 1 * (!this._isFetched('studentInfoFetched')) + 14 * (!this._isFetched('studentExpirationFetched')) * (formInputValues.student_expiration);
    estimatedTimePerStudent += 0.24 * (!this._isFetched('studentInfoFetched')) + 1 * (formInputValues.student_expiration);

Note :_isFetched returns a bool. And this is just an example, for other cases I have a lot more if's so it would be saving me more lines.

  • 2
    I would say it's your call. I personally would leave it and go with the first, simply because it is easier to update, and I find the format easier to read because of less horizontal length. Nov 4, 2015 at 20:15
  • 1
    Would it be safe probably (depending on your definition of "safe"), and easier to read definitely not. Nov 4, 2015 at 20:15
  • 5
    the 2nd one is confusing as all get out... MAYBE space it out more, but in general, avoid being clever.
    – dandavis
    Nov 4, 2015 at 20:16
  • 2
    It's not a good idea to do this. Interpreters/compilers should make the necessary optimizations for you. All you are doing is making your code hard to read. Also, this question is probably a better fit for CodeReview.
    – Dave
    Nov 4, 2015 at 20:16
  • Also, your second example calls this._isFetched('studentInfoFetched') twice which, (depending on what is involved in a call to _isFetched) is less efficient. And that's assuming that the value returned will be the same both times! Nov 4, 2015 at 20:17

2 Answers 2


No, the ifs - version is better.


  • It's much more readable: expressions are shorter, and the lines are not too long. For example, I see a horizontal scrollbar on my screen for your multiplication expressions, while I don't have to scroll in the if-snippet :)

  • It's faster because you avoid the multiplication.

  • It's even faster because you avoid calling this._isFetched('studentInfoFetched') twice.

  • ifs semantically define program flow, while the multiplication is semantically a mathematical expression which is used to fake the program flow in this case. With ifs, statements are grouped by condition, and you see at a glance what happens if a certain condition is met.

Then, consider that you have to create two more if clauses. The multiplication would become totally unmaintainable.

  • Thanks for the detailed explanation. I completely agree but couldn't think of these myself. I guess my problem was having 300 lines of If's to change the value of 3 variables. but I guess it's clearer and faster with If's
    – Anthony N.
    Nov 4, 2015 at 21:58
  • 2
    "It's faster because you avoid the multiplication." This is not true. Google branchless Programming
    – Niton
    Sep 1, 2020 at 9:50
  • @Niton, please create and share a benchmark before claiming that multiple multiplications, including floating-point numbers, is faster than two ifs. Sep 1, 2020 at 10:53
  • @AlexShesterov in general branchless can do a well job in increasing performance BUT it is indeed very dependend of the usecase : language, used compiler, used processor. You can do a look under the hood and take a look at what the compiler produces but in general branchless programming leads to better performance, i didnt do the benchmarks but others did. Again it is possible (and not more) that using if is faster in this case.
    – Niton
    Sep 12, 2020 at 23:21

The code should be easy to read, quick to understand, and fast to change.

Better than comments that go out off time is clear variable names, although they're good for a general desctiption of why. Name constant (ie. what is 0.04 + 0.2??), and name expressions for brevity in context (also avoids unnecessary function calls).

// Estimate process time
const infoFetched = this._isFetched('studentInfoFetched')
const infoFetchTime = 0.04 + 0.2
const canExpire = formInputValues.student_expiration
const expirationFetched = this._isFetched('studentExpirationFetched')
const expirationFetchTime = 14

if (!infoFetched) tempAddedTime += 1
if (hasExpired && !expirationFetched) tempAddedTime += expirationFetchTime

if (!infoFetched) estimatedTimePerStudent += fetchTime
if (hasExpired) estimatedTimePerStudent += 1

I usually like to multiply booleans as toggles, although in this case, the if's might be a little bit easier to read, understand, and change;

tempAddedTime +=
    !infoFetched* 1 +
    (hasExpired && !expirationFetched)* expirationFetchTime

estimatedTimePerStudent +=
    !infoFetched* fetchTime +
    hasExpired* 1

Not the best example, would probably be quite different if I had access/knowledge about what it itended to do / the source

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