class MyClass 
    enum MyEnum {
        case FirstCase
        case SecondCase(Int)
        case ThirdCase

    var state:MyEnum!

    func myMethod ()
        if state! == MyEnum.FirstCase {
            // Do something

I get the compiler error pointing at the if statement::

Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to two 'MyClass.MyEnum' operands

If instead, I use a switch statement, there is no problem:

switch state! {
    // Also, why do I need `!` if state is already an 
    // implicitly unwrapped optional? Is it because optionals also 
    // are internally enums, and the compiler gets confused?

case .FirstCase:
    // do something...

    // (do nothing)

However, the switch statement feels too verbose: I just want to do something for .FirstCase, and nothing otherwise. An if statement makes more sense.

What's going on with enums and == ?

EDIT: This is ultra-weird. After settling for the switch version and moving on to other (totally unrelated) parts of my code, and coming back, the if-statement version (comnparing force-unwrapped property against fixed enum case) is compiling with no errors. I can only conclude that it has something to do with some corrupted cache in the parser that got cleared along the way.

EDIT 2 (Thanks @LeoDabus and @MartinR): It seems that the error appears when I set an associated value to the other enum case (not the one I am comparing against - in this case, .SecondCase). I still don't understand why that triggers this compiler error in particular ("Can't use binary operator '=='..."), or what that means.

  • you forgot to initialise state and you are forcing unwrapping it. add guard let state = state else { return } instead
    – Leo Dabus
    Nov 6, 2015 at 6:09
  • This is dummy code with type and variable names changed, and most methods omitted. In my real code, the var is initialized. Either case, that should be a runtime issue at most. In reality, I am testing the value in viewDidLoad(), and the compiler can't know if it is initialized or not. Nov 6, 2015 at 6:15
  • What Xcode version are you using? I don't get this error here
    – Leo Dabus
    Nov 6, 2015 at 6:19
  • 1
    Is that your real code? As Leo said, it compiles without problem in Xcode 7 and 7.1. – Perhaps you have an enum with associated values?
    – Martin R
    Nov 6, 2015 at 6:27
  • 1
    @NicolasMiari: Another option is to make your enum conform to Equatable, as seen here: stackoverflow.com/a/25726677/59541
    – Nate Cook
    Nov 6, 2015 at 7:21

2 Answers 2


As you said in a comment, your enumeration type actually has associated values. In that case there is no default == operator for the enum type.

But you can use pattern matching even in an if statement (since Swift 2):

class MyClass {
    enum MyEnum {
        case FirstCase
        case SecondCase
        case ThirdCase(Int)

    var state:MyEnum!

    func myMethod () {
        if case .FirstCase? = state {


Here .FirstCase? is a shortcut for .Some(MyEnum.FirstCase).

In your switch-statement, state is not automatically unwrapped, even if it is an implicitly unwrapped optional (otherwise you could not match against nil). But the same pattern can be used here:

switch state {
case .FirstCase?:
    // do something...

Update: As of Swift 4.1 (Xcode 9.3) the compiler can synthesize conformance to Equatable/Hashable for enums with associated values (if all their types are Equatable/Hashable). It suffices to declare the conformance:

class MyClass {
    enum MyEnum: Equatable {
        case firstCase
        case secondCase
        case thirdCase(Int)

    var state:MyEnum!

    func myMethod () {
        if state  == .firstCase {
            // ...
  • Thank you very much. I ended up not needing the associated value in my current code, so the if statement works as initially planned, but will remember this pattern for future reference. Nov 6, 2015 at 6:38
  • @Martin R: Optional(E.A) == E.A // gives me true in Swift 2 Nov 6, 2015 at 6:44
  • @user3441734: Sorry, I don't get what you are asking.
    – Martin R
    Nov 6, 2015 at 6:47
  • Any way to do this in one line? E.g. let isEqual: Bool = .FirstCase == state Jul 25, 2017 at 22:17
  • 1
    From Swift 4.1 due to SE-0185, Swift also supports synthesizing Equatable and Hashable for enums with associated values.
    – jedwidz
    Nov 22, 2018 at 12:51
class MyClass {
    enum MyEnum {
        case FirstCase
        case SecondCase
        case ThirdCase

    var state: MyEnum!

    func myMethod()  {
        guard let state = state else { return }
        if state == MyEnum.FirstCase {
            // Do something
        } else {

let myClass = MyClass()
myClass.state = .FirstCase
myClass.state = .SecondCase
  • What happens if instead of first unwrapping with guard, you skip it and just try to compare state! == MyEnum.FirstCase? Nov 6, 2015 at 6:21
  • @NicolasMiari your code runs fine here as long as you initialise state property
    – Leo Dabus
    Nov 6, 2015 at 6:23
  • I repeat: the compiler (static analyzer?) has no way to know if the property is initialized or not at the location where it is used (viewDidLoad), and I am force-unwrapping it (which I souldn't need to, since it is an implicitly unwrapped optional to begin with). And the compiler error I was getting had nothing to do with initialization, but with comparing two enums of the same type (?????) Nov 6, 2015 at 6:30

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