I have a ComboBox in which i want to display the names of files in a certain folder.

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Jobs}" DisplayMemberPath="Name"/>

The bound property Jobs is of type List<FileInfo> which i thought was the most appropriate type to store this kind of information in. A simple Directory.GetFiles gets all the files from the given directory in an array which LINQ-Magic transforms into a List<FileInfo>.

By default the ComboBox now displays the full path to the files. With the DisplayMemberPath="Name" parameter i get the ComboBox to display only the name of the file and the extension.

What do i have to do to get the ComboBox to display only the filename like Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() would give me?

I want to avoid changing Jobs to List<Tuple<string,string>> or something like that to store the filename and the folder in different variables.

  • 2
    Either use an IValueConverter or change your list items to a custom object with additional properties
    – Fede
    Nov 9, 2015 at 15:18

1 Answer 1


IF it's about visual requirment and you don't want to change your items Source use a converter and there you can format your name as you want

  • Thank you. Converter was just the thing i was looking for!
    – sebingel
    Nov 9, 2015 at 15:29

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