In Meteor, scripts are usually included like so:

    <script type='text/javascript' ...></script>

I understand that this is likely for compatibility reasons, but if I nonetheless wanted to, how would I change it to this:

    <script type='application/ecmascript' ...></script>

For fun I tried overriding the boilerplate-generator package as that provides the "boilerplate" templates which define this behaviour, but that breaks something which results in a completely empty (not even any HTML) page:

    E20151116-12:21:18.832(10) (webapp_server.js:710) Error running template: Error: Can't call non-function: undefined

1 Answer 1


I'm interested in trying to figure out how to do the same thing. I'm curious how you went about overriding the boilerplate-generator?

Did you just hack the boilerplate_web.browser.html file in the output tar file?


Or did you edit the one in the .meteor directory?

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