I have a DataGrid bound to an ObservableCollection<MachineOrder> where I want to add some columns programmatically.

The object MachineOrder contains another ObservableCollection<KeyValue> from which I want to add the columns.

The thing is that I want to display a specific Key in the ObservableCollection for each row. The index isn't always the same so I cant use that.

I tried it this way:

foreach (StringWrapper characteristic in viewModel.Characteristics)
     Binding binding = new Binding();
     binding.FallbackValue = "kein Wert";
     binding.Path = new PropertyPath("Charakteristics.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == characteristic.Value).Value");

     DataGridTextColumn columnActive = new DataGridTextColumn();
     columnActive.Header = characteristic.Value;
     columnActive.Width = new DataGridLength(0, DataGridLengthUnitType.Auto);
     columnActive.Binding = binding;

But the linq expression does not work here. Btw: viewModel.Characteristics contains a list of characteristics which I want to add to the DataGrid

Any ideas?

  • First of all: you should use "Characteristics", not "Charakteristics" (c not k). Although it won't solve your problem.
    – Fratyx
    Nov 16, 2015 at 7:05

1 Answer 1


As you know, you can only bind to properties. So to solve the problem, just make a property and bind to it.

First, instead on ObservableCollection<KeyValue> create a custom derived collection to be used inside your MachineOrder class.

public class KeyValueCollection : ObservableCollection<KeyValue>
    public Value this[string key]
            var item = this.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == key);
            return item != null ? item.Value : null;

The whole purpose is to define a new indexer property by key. Note that I don't have your KeyValue class, so the return type would be different.

Then you can bind to that property like this

foreach (StringWrapper characteristic in viewModel.Characteristics)
    // ...
    binding.Path = new PropertyPath("Characteristics[\"" + characteristic.Value + "\"]");

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