How to find out where Paho Java client got actually connected to when it was called with list of severURIs.

I work on a client application where multiple equal brokers are used to achieve “High Availability” system. Paho is provided with list of all brokers to connect to:

MqttConnectOptions options = new MqttConnectOptions();
options.setServerURIs( new String[]{"tcp://broker1.com:1883", 
         "tcp://broker2.com:1883", "tcp://broker3.com:1883"} );

MqttClient mqttClient = new MqttClient("tcp://broker1.com:1883", 
         clientId, new MemoryPersistence());

After connect I would like to report where it has got actually connected to, but I do not know how. MqttClient.getServerURI() returns URI provided in MqttClient constructor regardless it is connected to.

According to documentation:

When an attempt to connect is initiated the client will start with the first serverURI in the list and work through the list until a connection is established with a server. If a connection cannot be made to any of the servers then the connect attempt fails.


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