I would like to create thumbnails of images I have organised into a set of nested subdirectories into a mirror of the file structure so that a command of the type:

./imageresize.sh Large Small 10

...would convert any .jpg or .JPG files, in the directories nested under "./Large":


into thumbnails of 10% to a mirror destination with a different top directory ("Small" instead of "Large" in this e.g.):


This is what I have so far, but I can't seem to get it working. The $newfile variable seems invalid but I don't know why, and when testing, it outputs the result of the 'convert' command to the screen. Any help/suggestions greatly appreciated.


#manage whitespace and escape characters

#create file list
filelist=$(find ./$1/ -name "*.jpg" -o -name "*.JPG")

for file in $filelist

#create destination path for 'convert' command
newfile= ${file/$1/$2}

convert "$file" -define jpeg:extent=10kb -scale $3% "$newfile"
  • Haven't looked at anything else, but at least there is a space after newfile=.
    – 4ae1e1
    Nov 17, 2015 at 19:07

2 Answers 2


Don't know if it's just a copy/paste error or if it's actually in your script, but this line:

newfile= ${file/$1/$2}

would be an invalid assignment in Bash as spaces around = isn't allowed when assigning.

Try this instead:


As a side-note. find has a case-insensitive search too, -iname, so you could do:

filelist=$(find ./$1/ -iname "*.jpg")

It also has -exec for executing commands on the result set. It's explained very well here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/12902/how-to-run-find-exec So you may be able to do it in one single find. (Note: That's not necessarily better, in most cases it's just a matter of preference, I just mention it as a possibility.)

  • 1
    Thankyou for the reply! ...and the -iname option is perfect. I've corrected the formatting as you suggested and it fixed one issue that I didn't actually realise was an issue, and I've just found the other problem which is that I need the directories to be created before converting! So I've added the line: rsync -a --include '/' --exclude '' ./$1/ ./$2/ - not very elegant, but it works - I'll post the working script as a separate answer below. Thanks again!
    – R Ted
    Nov 17, 2015 at 19:25

So - revised working script with corrections suggested by madsen and 4ae1e1 (thanks both), and with rsync commands to create directory structure first, (then clean extraneous files from the destination) :). I've added an extra parameter and parameter checker so that now you can specify source, destination, approx destination file size in kb and percentage of original. Hope it helps someone else. :)


#manage whitespace and escape characters

#check parameters
if [ $# -lt 4 ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ]
then # if no parameters or '--help' as $1 - show help
    echo "______________________________________________________________"
    echo ""
    echo "Useage: thumbnailmirror [Source] [Destination] [Filesize] [Percentage]"
    echo "Source - e.g. 'Fullsize' (directory must exist)" 
    echo "Destination - e.g. 'Thumnail' (directory must exist)"
    echo "Filesize - approx filesize in kb  e.g. '10'"
    echo "Percentage - % of reduction (1-100)"
    echo "e.g. thumbnailmirror Fullsize Thumnail 18 7"
    echo "______________________________________________________________"

else # parameters exist
    #syncronise directory structure (directories only)
    rsync -a --include '*/' --exclude  '*'  ./$1/ ./$2/
    # delete any extraneous files and directories at destination
    rsync -a --delete --existing --ignore-existing ./$1/ ./$2/
    #create file list ( -iname means not case sensitive)
    filelist=$(find ./$1/ -iname "*.jpg")

    for file in $filelist
      #define destination filename for 'convert' command

      if [ ! -f "$newfile" ] #if file doesn't exists create it
          convert "$file" -define jpeg:extent=$3kb -quality 100 -scale $4% "$newfile"
          echo "$file resized"
      else #skip it
          echo "Skipping $file - exists already"
  • A script that starts with OIFS="$IFS" and IFS=$'\n' is very likely a broken script! Dec 10, 2015 at 12:56
  • It seems to work for me as it is, I copied and pasted that bit in an attempt to handle whitespace/escape characters from another script, but if you could point me in the right direction to correct the mistake I'd be grateful! :)
    – R Ted
    Dec 11, 2015 at 20:21
  • Well, things will badly break when you have glob characters (e.g., *, ?, [ or ]) or newlines in your filenames. A good pointer, to start with, is this one: mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/001 Dec 11, 2015 at 20:28
  • Thank you! I'll check it out. :)
    – R Ted
    Dec 11, 2015 at 20:40

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