How to create smart search query depends on column-name?

I have a table like this:

| id |   name   | code1 | code2 |
| 1  |  jack    | 1     | 1     |
| 2  |  peter   | 1     | 2     |
| 3  |  abel    | 1     | 3     |
| 4  |  brent   | 2     | 1     |
| 5  |  arnold  | 2     | 2     |
| 6  |  chester | 3     | 1     |
| 7  |  morgan  | 3     | 2     |
| 8  |  olin    | 3     | 3     |
| 9  |  marvin  | 3     | 4     |
| 10 |  gavin   | 3     | 5     |
| 11 |  harley  | 4     | 1     |

Well, I have 3 keywords: name, code1, code2

My question is about the order of results depends on those keywords. There is some examples:


$q = 'name brent'; // it is what user writes for search in the input
                   // actually I meant of smart is detecting this automatically:
                   // keyword: 'name', value: 'brent'

I want this output:

| 4  |  brent   | 2     | 1     |
|                               |
| /* the order of other colunms |
|    does not matter */         |
|                               |


$q = 'code1 3';

I want this output:

| 6  |  chester | 3     | 1     |
| 7  |  morgan  | 3     | 2     |
| 8  |  olin    | 3     | 3     |
| 9  |  marvin  | 3     | 4     |
| 10 |  gavin   | 3     | 5     |
|                               |
| /* the order of other colunms |
|    does not matter */         |
|                               |


$q = 'code1 3 code2 2';

I want this output:

| 7  |  morgan  | 3     | 2     |
|                               |
| /* the order of other colunms |
|    does not matter */         |
|                               |

Example4: If there is all three keywords in input, code1 and code2 have higher priority.

$q = 'name jack code1 3 code2 1';

I want this output:

| 6  |  chester | 3     | 1     |    // code1 3 code2 1
| 1  |  jack    | 1     | 1     |    // name jack
|                               |
| /* the order of other colunms |
|    does not matter */         |
|                               |

Example5: If the value of keyword (name jack => keyword: name, value: jack) does not exist, it means: The keyword and its value will not be considered, Just like it does not exist in the input.

$q = 'code1 2 code2 5';

I want this output:

| 4  |  brent   | 2     | 1     |
| 5  |  arnold  | 2     | 2     |
|                               |
| /* the order of other colunms |
|    does not matter */         |
|                               |

For start, I think I have to separate the numbers of string, something like this:

preg_match_all('!\d+!u', $q, $matches);

And then use them in my query,something like this:

... IN (" .implode(',', $matches[0]) . ") ...

Or I don't know, is there any good solution? Actually what I need is a magic ordering ...!

  • I think you're confusing 'rows' and 'columns'
    – Strawberry
    Nov 18, 2015 at 17:16
  • Actually I want to know, how can I define some priority for columns? and then order them by those priority ....
    – stack
    Nov 18, 2015 at 17:19
  • 1
    ordery by x = 'foo' DESC - or see FIELD()
    – Strawberry
    Nov 18, 2015 at 17:21
  • 1
    Relevant: stackoverflow.com/questions/1250156/… Here is a Fiddle using something along the lines of that answer: sqlfiddle.com/#!9/9514c6/4
    – AdamMc331
    Nov 18, 2015 at 17:53
  • 1
    @McAdam331 Really thanks for that fiddle. Also the difference between example3 and 5 is: in the example5 code2 5 does not exist in table.
    – stack
    Nov 18, 2015 at 22:40


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