I am trying to get started with some typescript. This is what I looks like:

declare module ServiceActions {
    export class MyClass{
        myFunction(shipmentId: number) : void {
            let test: number;
            test = 32;

When I do that I get this error:

An Implementation cannot be declared in ambient contexts.

When I take out the module, it works fine:

export class MyClass{
    myFunction(shipmentId: number) : void {
        let test: number;
        test = 32;

I thought I read that Modules are like namespaces in Typescript, but this seems to make it more like an abstract/interface concept.

Am I really getting this error because of the module? If not, why am I gettin this error?

Note: I saw this question and answer and it did not answer my question.

1 Answer 1


In this case, you are in an "ambient" context because of the declare keyword. What you want here is to use export on your module:

export module ServiceActions {
    export class MyClass{
        myFunction(shipmentId: number) : void {
            let test: number;
            test = 32;

You could also just leave off the export altogether, which would be more like a namespace declaration. export is needed if you're using something like AMD or CommonJS or ES2015 for module declarations.

declare is used when you want to specify a module to contain things like interfaces. So perhaps:

declare module ServiceActions {
    interface MyInterface {
        myFunction(shipmentId: number) : void;
module ServiceActions {
    export class MyClass implements MyInterface {
        myFunction(shipmentId: number) : void {
            let test: number;
            test = 32;

You'll see it a lot in .d.ts files, for example.


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