Given the various ways of sharing methods in Ruby, and the fact that those methods are themselves objects, what are the underlying mechanics of such sharing? For example, given:

module A
  def alpha; end

module B
  include A

is it accurate to say that B's alpha instance method is a copy of A's? It appears so:

alpha_a = A.instance_method(:alpha)
alpha_b = B.instance_method(:alpha)

alpha_a == alpha_b
=> false

alpha_a.object_id == alpha_b.object_id
=> false

This makes it look (to me) like alpha_b is a copy of alpha_a that belongs to B. But reading about Ruby's handling of method-lookup/dispatch, it sounds the call traverses the ancestors all the way back to A before finding the method to call. Also, there's this:

=> A

So what exactly is going on? Do alpha_a and alpha_b both "reside" in A, despite the latter having been generated when B included A? Do the underlying mechanics depend on the mode of sharing (include/extend/inherit)?

  • You're generating the unbound method by calling instance_method. There's no "copy" of the module method itself; it resides in A. Nov 25, 2015 at 5:48
  • Note that B.ancestors #=> [B, A], A.ancestors #=> [A]. . Nov 25, 2015 at 6:15

1 Answer 1


alpha_a is an object that describes the method alpha on A. It is not the method itself. The method itself, just like a block, is not an object, just like blocks are not objects but can be wrapped in Proc objects. Similarly, alpha_b describes the method alpha on B.

The method itself is the same: it is defined on module A. There is no copying going on.

  • I thought methods were objects. For example, m = Array.instance_method(:flatten) #=> #<UnboundMethod: Array#flatten> . m.is_a? Object #=> true. Is my reasoning faulty? Nov 25, 2015 at 6:05
  • @CarySwoveland: Methods and UnboundMethods are objects that describe methods, which are not. The distinction between Method and method is important here.
    – Amadan
    Nov 25, 2015 at 6:06
  • @CarySwoveland: stackoverflow.com/questions/2602340/…
    – Amadan
    Nov 25, 2015 at 6:10
  • Thanks. One more for the to-do list. Nov 25, 2015 at 6:12
  • @CarySwoveland: I just thought of a good analogy that makes it clear. Are files objects in Ruby? Clearly no - files are not in Ruby, but on the disk. But Files are objects (in Ruby) that describe - and allow you to interact with - files (on the disk). A File is not a file (clearly); the very same reasoning applies to Ruby methods, even if it is not as obvious.,.
    – Amadan
    Nov 26, 2015 at 23:40

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