I am building an app using Node and ES6. This app has a library that I want to use across projects. For the sake of this question, the directory structure of the library looks like this:


My actual structure is different. I chose logging and security to make the question more approachable. Still, my code currently looks like this:


'use strict';

var User = require('../security/user.js');
class LogManager {
  constructor(props) {
    this.user = props.user;
module.exports LogManager;


'use strict';
class LogEntry {
  constructor(props) {
module.exports LogEntry;


'use strict';
class User {
  constructor(props) {
module.exports User;


'use strict';
class Role {
  constructor(props) {
module.exports Role;

My mind set may be in the object-oriented Java / C# worlds. However, I'm trying to figure out how to package these four files into a single file I can distribute. In an attempt to do this, I have added a gulp task that looks like this:

gulp.task('package', function() {
    return gulp.src(input.js)

This task puts all four files into a file called dist/library.js. However, I have several issues. First, JSHint complains about the use of strict in each of my files. So, I removed the 'use strict' lines just for the sake of trying to move forward and getting by JSHint (which I don't want to do). But I feel I'm really off on something because when the concatenation happens, the require statement in logManager.js breaks.

It feels like everything works as individual components. However, when I attempt to bundle them altogether into library.js, it breaks. What am I missing?


1 Answer 1


You have a syntax error in your module exports.

// this is wrong syntax (missing "=")
module.exports LogManager;

As you already use babel, you could switch over ES6-modules

// default export of module (ES6 syntax)
export default LogManager;

// importing modules (ES6 syntax)
import User from 'security/user';
  • So, are you recommending I `import User from 'security/user' in myLibrary.js? Nov 25, 2015 at 15:41
  • as Yury Tarabanko commented your export syntax is wrong. You can fix it and use commonJS modules or by using ES6 module syntax
    – Fdr
    Nov 25, 2015 at 18:55

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