I have a Firebase database with Items in it. There could potentially be up to 1000 items in the database.

I am looking to pull 45 random children out of the database to use.

Any idea how I can do this without pulling them all out first and then weeding them down to what I need?

1 Answer 1


Assign each item an index, 1-1000

  item_name: "my item 0"
  item_index: 0
  item_name: "my item 24"
  item_index: 24

then, with a random number generator, generate 45 random numbers (which match the item_index) and query for those specific items.


create all of the items and in separate node, keep their node refs

  -Jhsu498984: true
  -Ynkkj93ov9: true

then you just need to load in the item_refs (into an array) and then randomly pick 45 from the array. Then query for those items.

  • Thanks. I will think about this. It may be a little difficult to add the index numbers since the items are added on the fly by users. Nov 26, 2015 at 1:16
  • I can see where that would be an issue - Use the reference number then - it's auto-generated, discrete and created by childByAutoId or push() and could be used in the same fashion.
    – Jay
    Nov 26, 2015 at 12:34

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