So I have a query. It works if I comment out the part checking for the exclusion.

WHERE H.BatchId = 3  AND H.IsExcluded != 1

IsExcluded is a bit field that accepts NULL values.

All the values I'm selecting from are NULL, so that SHOULD be right. What am I doing wrong? It's returning no values the way it is, but if I comment out just the 'AND' and after, it works.

2 Answers 2

WHERE H.BatchId = 3  AND (H.IsExcluded != 1 OR H.IsExcluded IS NULL)
  • 1
    wow I was doing H.IsExcluded = NULL. THANK YOU! Accepted once it lets me.
    – Scott
    Aug 3, 2010 at 14:31
  • 2
    +1 - @Scott - NULL has no value (SQL thinks it could have ANY value or no value), so it won't respond normally to operators.
    – JNK
    Aug 3, 2010 at 14:32
  • Good to know. I'm still learning. Been working professional (after college) for a few months now. Picking up stuff as I go along.
    – Scott
    Aug 3, 2010 at 14:34
  • 1
    @Scott: Now (after college) is when you will really learn stuff. ;) Aug 3, 2010 at 14:36
  • I seem to agree with that so far, haha.
    – Scott
    Aug 3, 2010 at 14:38

In SQL NULL != NULL as @scott said but you may use SET ANSI_NULLS OFF.

Declare @a INT = NULL
Declare @b INT = NULL
IF(@b = @a)
    PRINT 'NULL is equal to NULL'
    PRINT 'NULL is not equal to  NULL'

IF(@b = @a)
    PRINT 'NULL is equal to NULL'
    PRINT 'NULL is not equal to  NULL'

Output is:

  • NULL is equal to NULL: ANSI_NULLS set to OFF
  • NULL is not equal to NULL: ANSI_NULLS set to ON, this is the default SQL Server behaviour.

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