Lets say I have class Foo:

public class Foo {
    // ...

I want to get its constant pool as a byte array from another class. i.e:

public class Bar {
    void butts() {
        byte[] fooConstantPool = Foo.class.getConstantPool();
        // ...

Class#getConstantPool is not part of the standard API. Is there any consistent way I can get another class' constant pool?


2 Answers 2


You can get it as sun.reflect.ConstantPool object via reflection like this:

import sun.reflect.ConstantPool;
public class Bar {
    private static final Method getConstantPool;

    static {
        try {
            getConstantPool = Class.class.getDeclaredMethod("getConstantPool");
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
    void butts() {
        ConstantPool constantPool = (ConstantPool) getConstantPool.invoke(Foo.class);
        // ...

but I'm not sure how to get it as byte array. You can try to serialize it :)

  • Unfortunately the interface of ConstantPool just calls native methods, so it can't be serialized.
    – konsolas
    Dec 2, 2015 at 9:47
  • Yes, you are right. What is the purpose of getting constant pool of a class? May be there is another way to achieve your goal? E.g. load .class file to byte array and use class loader after.
    – dds
    Dec 2, 2015 at 10:53

You can scan your class loader to find the class's location on disk, then use a framework like BCEL to analyze it.

I have a website demonstrating this, but StackOverflow says I am not allowed to post links to it.

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