i have an application that connects to two databases, default database models are in the root project and the second database models are in the sub-project. my projects, a brief folder structure looks something like so

[root]/app/models/Author.java (and other models)

and the application.conf has ebean configured like so



ebean.default = ["models."]
ebean.second = ["mods."]

and the build.sbt like this:

lazy val module = project.in(file("module")).enablePlugins(PlayJava, PlayEbean, PlayEnhancer)
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayJava, PlayEbean)

but when i run the app i get this exception

Error injecting constructor, java.lang.IllegalStateException: Bean class mods.User is not enhanced?

obviously the models in the subproject are not being enhanced. How do i get this to work?

1 Answer 1


Try adding the below in the build.sbt of your sub-project:

playEbeanModels in Compile := Seq("mods.*")

This tells the Play Framework to also look at your sub-project when looking for model classes. You can find a longer explanation in the paragraph "Configuring the sbt plugin" in the Play Framework Documentation.

This solution worked for me (after reloading and compiling the project).

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