I have not seen much documentation on the <audio> tag in HTML5. I am trying to trigger an event when audio has finished playing.


<audio id="audio">
    <source src="'.$query['audioPronunciation'].'" type="audio/mp3">
    Your browser does not support the audio element.

JavaScript / jQuery Play & Pause:

function audio() {
    if ($("#audioControl").hasClass("glyphicon-play")) {
    } else if ($("#audioControl").hasClass("glyphicon-pause")) {

JavaScript / jQuery, 'when ended'

$("#audio").addEventListener('ended', function() {
    alert("Audio has finished playing!");


1 Answer 1


You don't need the event listener, just:

var audio1 = document.getElementById("myAudio1");
audio1.onended = function() {
    alert("audio playback has ended");

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