I have created a clone function to clone a selection of elements. I have managed to get the basics of the clone function working. CLICK HERE I have a bug in this function. When the user types text into the input field, it clones the last inputted text and changes the text value for all cloned items.

$('.add-item').on('click', function() {
  var value = $('input').val();
  if ($('#items-field').val()) {
    $('.list-items p').text(value)

Does anyone know how this problem can be resolved?

1 Answer 1


Clear the value of inputs after you clone(). You can use the find() method to get all the inputs inside the cloned item.

var c = $('.list-items:first').clone();
c.find("input").val("");  // find all inputs and clear

Here is a working jsbin sample

Also, In your code, you are reading the input value and setting it to all the p tags's text. You should be setting it only to the p tag of the cloned div.


  $('.add-item').on('click', function(e) {
     var value = $('#items-field').val();
     if (value!="") {

       var c = $('.list-items:first').clone();
       c.find("input").val("");  // find all inputs and clear




Here is a working sample of the complete solution

  • Not sure that works the way i described in my question, based off your example, it clones the items but if you were to type a name into the text field then press clone it doesn't clone that individual name. for example try the following. type into the text field tom > press clone steve > press clone etc
    – NewBoy
    Dec 22, 2015 at 16:45
  • See my updated answer. That has a working sample as well.
    – Shyju
    Dec 22, 2015 at 16:56

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