I am working through a tutorial for node js and angular. I am new to angular. The problem I am having is. You can navigate throughout the site fine via the client (angular) navbar, but if you type in the url in the browser it becomes a problem because node does not know about the request url. My simple question is. How do you send a node server request to angular?

Please note that I was trying to prevent the catch all app.get('*'). It causes the site to crash. Not sure why. So having two routes is my solution

here is what I am looking for

  //This is node. There is already a angular controller that handles this
  //How do I send to angular
  res.send('../../app/public/admin/user-list');//this does not by the way.???

Angular route that works fine when navigating through nav bar

$routeProvider.when('/admin/accounts', {
  templateUrl: '/partials/admin/user-list',
  controller: 'mvUserListCtrl', resolve:routeRoleChecks.admin
  • Access the ../../app/public/admin/user-list response in your $http callback Dec 30, 2015 at 14:06
  • Please put more code.. And what kind of Angular router you're using? (ui-router?) Dec 30, 2015 at 14:15
  • @Daniel_L can you give me an example on the node side how this is complete? I am not quite sure what you mean. Thanks
    – user516883
    Dec 30, 2015 at 14:16
  • @SmartyTwiti just added angular route.
    – user516883
    Dec 30, 2015 at 14:18
  • 1
    it's because angular routes aren't necessarily correlated to routes you define in express. in angular, /partials/foobar is not localhost:8000/partials/foobar, it is localhost:8000#partials/foobar. express isn't receiving the GET request because you aren't activating the correct route. Dec 30, 2015 at 14:36

1 Answer 1


Create the resources using app.get(base_url) in node.js and make the resources available at one location now when you hit the resources from angular using http like below

return {
        getServiceData: function () {
            $rootScope.loading = true;
            var req = {
                method: 'GET',
                url: base_url+'patients'

            return $http(req).then(function (result) {
                // alert("data in service = " + JSON.stringify(result.data));
                return result.data;

I think this would be helpful

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