I am trying to check if a string contains something with e^x or e^(any #, including negative)x, but I can't quite figure it out. Here is what I have tried:

if(str.matches("^(e^x)$") || str.matches("^(e^[-?0-9]x)$")){

Some examples that would match would be:


I have referenced this, but I still can't figure it out.

  • 1
    – Uma Kanth
    Dec 31, 2015 at 12:58

6 Answers 6


Unescaped ^ matches the beginning of a string. If you use it inside the regex pattern and do not specify the multiline flag, the pattern will always fail since a start of a string cannot appear in the middle of it.

You need to escape the ^ and with matches() you do not need anchors. Also, you can just use ? (one or zero occurrences) or * (zero or more occurrences) quantifiers:


See the regex demo


The problem is that ^ symbol is for the start of the string and hence if you want to use if only for the symbol at / before it.


-?\\d*\\.?\\d*e\\^-?\\d*\\.?\\d*x works for floating point numbers as well.

It matches:

  • e^x
  • -3e^x
  • 100e^-x
  • e^-2x
  • -0.1e^2x
  • -0.1e^0.2x

your required regex will be like this the basic problem is with your regex is ^ sign you have to ignore ^ as like start match use \^


and your code will be

if(str.matches("e\^\-?\d*?") ){

It should work for -?\\d*e\\^-?\\d*x

-? matches the character - literally, Quantifier: ? Between zero and one time

\d* match a digit [0-9] Quantifier: * Between zero and unlimited times

e matches the character e literally (case sensitive)

\^ matches the character ^ literally

-? matches the character - literally, Quantifier: ? Between zero and one time

\d* match a digit [0-9] Quantifier: * Between zero and unlimited times

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