i have this code:

class Check(webapp.RequestHandler):
  def get(self):
    user = users.get_current_user()

    be = "SELECT * FROM Benutzer ORDER BY date "
    c = db.GqlQuery(be)

    for x in c:
      if x.benutzer == user:
    if s is 0:

to check whether the user is registered or not. but it gives me an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/GoogleAppEngineLauncher.app/Contents/Resources/GoogleAppEngine-default.bundle/Contents/Resources/google_appengine/google/appengine/ext/webapp/__init__.py", line 511, in __call__
  File "/Users/zainab_alhaidary/Desktop/الحمد لله/check.py", line 23, in get
    if s is 0:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 's' referenced before assignment

what should i do???

  • 4
    don't use is to compare ints. use == Aug 11, 2010 at 13:51
  • 2
    Why are you fetching all users in the table if you only need information about one specific user (the current one)? And your variable naming scheme has some room for improvement, good names are important. Aug 11, 2010 at 13:54
  • Why don't you let sql filter for the user you're checking?
    – reconbot
    Aug 11, 2010 at 13:57

7 Answers 7


Define s before to assign it a value (also, change the test on s):

user = users.get_current_user()

be = "SELECT * FROM Benutzer ORDER BY date "

c = db.GqlQuery(be)

s=0    # <- init s here

for x in c:
  if x.benutzer == user:
if s == 0:    # <- change test on s
  • How do I correctly format the code block (with colour, ...) ?
    – Studer
    Aug 11, 2010 at 13:51
  • Don't use <pre>, just indent 4 space. The syntax highlighting is automatic. Aug 11, 2010 at 13:53
  • Indent it by 4 spaces, or mark it and use the code button to do it.
    – chryss
    Aug 11, 2010 at 13:54

Why exactly are you loading all users, then looping through them, just to find one? Use a where clause:

be = "SELECT * FROM Benutzer WHERE benutzer=:1"
c = db.GqlQuery(be, user)
user_from_db = c.get()
if user_from_db is not None: # found someone
  • I'd vote you up twice if I could, this wasn't his question but it should be his answer.
    – reconbot
    Aug 11, 2010 at 14:06
  • Wooble: Ok, I've never used AppEngine so I didn't know. Aug 11, 2010 at 15:03

You're using 's' before you assign something to it. Add an 's = 0' in the appropriate location.


You want to set s to 0 before the for loop starts. If the query returns zero items, your for loop doesn't loop even once, so s is undefined.

Also, you should use if s == 0: instead of if s is 0:. In CPython, they are both equivalent, but you shouldn't rely on the fact. See: the documentation for PyInt_FromLong and "is" operator behaves unexpectedly with integers.

  • Why shouldn't he rely on that fact?
    – reconbot
    Aug 11, 2010 at 13:55
  • is tests that the variables refer to the same object in memory, == tests that their values are equal. CPython caches small ints (<265 I think) for optimisation, so all references to them point to the same place in memory. This is not true of large ints, or guaranteed by the specification.
    – Katriel
    Aug 11, 2010 at 14:00
  • 2
    @wizard, because it's an implementation detail of one implementation of python. there is jython, pypy, ironpython, unladenswallow... any of those might decide not to cache the small ints. besides the code should say what you mean Aug 11, 2010 at 14:06
  • I understand what you mean now, I've spent 30 minutes trying to find the docs on "is".
    – reconbot
    Aug 12, 2010 at 0:10

Your problem is that if c is an empty list then the code in the for loop is never run and s never gets set, hence the error:

UnboundLocalError: local variable 's' referenced before assignment

What the error is telling you that you're referencing - i.e. using - s before it has any value - i.e. before a value has been assigned to it.

To fix this you just ensure s always is assigned a value:

s = 0

for x in c:
    if x.benutzer == user:
        s = 1
        s = 2
  • the else clause of the for loop gets executed if the for loop isn't terminated by a break, so this won't work Aug 11, 2010 at 13:56
  • @gnibbler - you're right; shouldn't have suggested something I don't use myself. Have changed to suggested solution.
    – David Webb
    Aug 11, 2010 at 13:59

In the case that c is empty the if statement in the loop never gets executed

you should set s=0 before the for loop


I don't know why you are doing this, but if I understand your code correctly, you have s=1 when x.benutzer == user, and s=2 otherwise (shouldn't this be s=0 if you are going to check against 0?).

for x in c:
   if x.benutzer == user:
if s is 0:

Anyway, here's my solution:

if not any(x.benutzer == user for x in c):

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