I have a data.frame DF that looks a little like this

category var1 var2 
apples    1    4
bananas   3    3
orange    4    1 
kiwis     2    3

I also have created a simple custom function that generates an output based on two parameters:

annualize_fte <- function(tenure, amount)
    if (tenure==0) return(0)

    if (tenure>12) {
        result = amount
    } else {
        t_factor = 12 / tenure
        result = amount * t_factor

I'd like to create a third column var3 that is the result of applying annualize_fte(var1, var2) to each row.

I've tried the following and have failed:

mutate(DF, var3=annualize_fte(var1, var2)) 
apply(DF, 1, annualize_fte, DF$var1, DF$var2)

I get errors around unused arguments or errors that condition has length >1.

  • 1
    ifelse(x==0, 0, ifelse(x>12, x, y*12/x))
    – Khashaa
    Jan 8, 2016 at 17:04

1 Answer 1


Perhaps you'd like to try Vectorize() to make it so your function can use and return vectors:

annualize_fte_v <- Vectorize(annualize_fte)

(DF$var3 <- annualize_fte_v(DF$var1,DF$var2))
#   category var1 var2 var3
# 1   apples    1    4   48
# 2  bananas    3    3   12
# 3   orange    4    1    3
# 4    kiwis    2    3   18
  • That's exactly what I needed! That's a pretty neat function, thank you.
    – pedram
    Jan 8, 2016 at 17:15
  • Just to elaborate another way: Multivariate function application is usually handled by Map or mapply. Here we'd use mapply(annualize_fte, tenure = DF$var1, amount = DF$var2) to get the values. Vectorize here creates a modified version of annualize_fte built on top of mapply.
    – TJ Mahr
    Jan 8, 2016 at 18:20

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