Environment: Ubuntu 14.04 running in vmplayer.

in PyBluez Example, rfcomm-server.py, Problem with running RFCOMM server on PORT_ANY

code chunk:

from bluetooth import *

erver_sock=BluetoothSocket( RFCOMM )

I always get _bluetooth.error: (98, 'Address already in use') in the bind operation.

This thread shows to disable pnat and it works. my questions are

  1. In this case, how do I know which service is using the RFCOMM channel? is there command to list them?

    sdptool browse local

doesn't show that channel 1 is in use.

  1. after disabling pnat in /etc/bluetooth/main.config, channel 1 seems released and I can run rfcomm-server.py without problem. However, even if I roll back by comment out the line "DisablePlugins = pnat" and restart bluetooth service again, channel 1 of RFCOMM is not occupied anymore!
  • 1
    The currently used channels can be read from /sys/kernel/debug/bluetooth/rfcomm. The currently active RFCOMM sockets can be read from /proc/net/rfcomm. Unfortunately I cannot find any way to relate these entries, i.e. to get the channel used by a specific RFCOMM socket. The socket inode can be mapped to a process ID by searching for it in /proc/*/fd/*. It seems the kernel does not currently offer a netlink sock diag interface that could be used to gather this information. Sep 27, 2020 at 17:18


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