I can't get my head around this one. Or am I over complicating things? I'm trying to make this code more 'Pythonic'.

statuses = {record['id'] : [] for record in data}

for record in data:
    for status in record['statuses']:
        data = {
            'status_code': status['statusCode'],
            'short_desc': status['statusShortDesc'],

        if 'statusLongDesc' in status:
            data.update({'long_desc': status['statusLongDesc']})
            data.update({'long_desc': ''})

        statuses[record['id']] += [data]

Several challenges here, code below I know is wrong but I'm trying to get across what I want with out knowing how:

  • How do I update a list in a dictionary in a comprehension? Along the lines of this. Would this work? Something doesn't feel right about it to me. Have I got carried away with the curly brackets?

    statuses = {
            record['id']: list({
                'status_code': status['statusCode'],
                'short_desc': status['statusShortDesc'],
                'long_desc': ''
        for record in data for status in record['statuses']

This produces TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'

  • How can I then not repeat the data part like in my original code for adjusting long_desc? (My dictionary is actually a lot longer and it seems crazy to repeat it all for one line.) Like: then if 'statusLongDesc' in status list.extend('long_desc': status['statusLongDesc']) added to the above comprehension.
  • Your original code is far more "pythonic" IMO. It's very easy to read, and the intent is clear. Being pythonic means short, concise and easy to read. Jan 18, 2016 at 15:31

2 Answers 2


I wouldn't overcomplicate things. The biggest thing you can use to simplify your original is to use the get method.

statuses = {record['id']: [] for record in data}

for record in data:
    for status in record['statuses']:           
            'status_code': status['statusCode'],
            'short_desc': status['statusShortDesc'],
            'long_desc': status.get('statusLongDesc', ''),

Now, if you want, you can replace the loops with a dict comprehension that uses a list comprehension.

statuses = { record['id']: [{...} for status in record['statuses']] for record in data }

where {...} is the data dict in the original.

  • I find it weird, how he rebinds data, while iterating over it. Jan 18, 2016 at 15:33
  • Good point. I'll get rid of the temporary name altogether in the answer, since it isn't necessary.
    – chepner
    Jan 18, 2016 at 15:38
  • Thank you. get method is a new one I won't forget. Handy.
    – s27840
    Jan 20, 2016 at 0:09

You can easily create list using comprehension, instead of .appending:

statuses = {}

for record in data:
    statuses[record['id']] = [
            'status_code': status['statusCode'],
            'short_desc': status['statusShortDesc'],
            'long_desc': status.get('statusLongDesc', ''),
        } for status in record['statuses']

It can also be done in one expression this way, if I got nested comprehensions right:

statuses = {
    record['id']: [{
            'status_code': status['statusCode'],
            'short_desc': status['statusShortDesc'],
            'long_desc': status.get('statusLongDesc', ''),
        } for status in record['statuses']
    ] for record in data

But I find it unreadable.

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