Hi guys I am using Wordpress Contact Form 7 plugin and trying to achieve: Show text field if drop down "Other" is selected

Drop down menu items

I am using following raw JS for now through Visual composer in Wordpress Page after adding dropdown as id in Contact Form 7:

var x = document.getElementById("dropdown");
if(x.value = "Other") {
 alert('Enter your js here!');

1 Answer 1


For anyone looking for a simpler solution. In contact form 7, you can simply add inline JavaScript.

JavaScript added to the form builder will be rendered on the front-end as long as you do not add blank lines within the script.

Here is the copy from a CF7 form editor:

<label> Your Name (required)
[text* your-name] </label>

<label> Your Email (required)
[email* your-email] </label>

<label> Your Favorite Color
[select drop-down-menu id:FavoriteColorDropDown "Pink" "Red" "Purple" "Other"] </label>

<label id="EnterFavoriteColorLabel"> Please Specify Your Favorite Color
[text favorite-color] </label>

[submit "Send"]

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
// Hide the favorite-color text field by default
document.getElementById("EnterFavoriteColorLabel").style.display = 'none';
// On every 'Change' of the drop down with the ID "FavoriteColorDropDown" call the displayTextField function
document.getElementById("FavoriteColorDropDown").addEventListener("change", displayTextField);
  function displayTextField() {
    // Get the value of the selected drop down
    var dropDownText = document.getElementById("FavoriteColorDropDown").value;
    // If selected text matches 'Other', display the text field.
    if (dropDownText == "Other") {
      document.getElementById("EnterFavoriteColorLabel").style.display = 'block';
    } else {
      document.getElementById("EnterFavoriteColorLabel").style.display = 'none';

Hope that helps.

If you are interested in reading more or extending the same for radio buttons, I recently published an article with more code samples and examples here.

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