I'm trying to send a response to an API for Oauth. Sadly, the Symfony2 docs do a poor job of explaining all the different parts of $response->headers->set(...);.

Here's my response section that's inside of my OauthController:

    $response = new Response();

    $response->headers->set('Location', 'url=' . $auth_url);

    return $response->send();

The controller must have a return statement so, does my code look good or how can I replicate header('Location: ' . $auth_url); from normal php?


  • Also if you aren't using RedirectResponse and want to set the Location header directly on a Response class, you would do this: $response->headers->set('Location', $auth_url); Jan 25, 2016 at 19:56
  • Perhaps the error in my code was url= in set('Location', 'url=' . $auth_url);. That was in an example I followed.
    – Kenny
    Jan 25, 2016 at 19:59

3 Answers 3


Since you want to do a redirect, then you can use RedirectResponse instead of regular Response:

return new RedirectResponse($auth_url);
  • Thank you! That did the trick, it's redirecting perfectly now.
    – Kenny
    Jan 25, 2016 at 19:42

While @TomaszMadeyski does a good job providing you with a much better alternative, I wanted to take a minute and explain why your code does not work (as it's just fine).

The problem is that a controller much return a response, but it must not send the respond. If you look at the front controller, you'll see that it takes care of sending the response:

$response = $kernel->handle($request);

The reason behind this is that Symfony allows you to edit the response between the controller and the send() (e.g. to add an awesome toolbar or configure the content type).

  • Awesome, thanks for this insight! So do you mean a toolbar such as an absolutely positions overlay that's your html, but that exists overtop of another web page? Similar to stumbleupon.com?
    – Kenny
    Jan 25, 2016 at 20:05
  • @Kenny well, you can do everything you want. You can do $response->setContent('Override the cmplete response content!') for instance, or first retrieve the content (getContent()) and then tweak it. Or do something completely different.
    – Wouter J
    Jan 25, 2016 at 20:06

If you're doing a redirect, shouldn't your HTTP response code be one of the codes in the 300 range to indicate a redirect?

Also, you might want to checkout this Symfony Cookbook article on redirecting.

  • You're probably right. But I scrapped the response->send() and used return new RedirectResponse($auth_url);. Thanks for the information!
    – Kenny
    Jan 26, 2016 at 17:17

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