I have a PFUser with a Skills column.

Typically I can use user.skills (or user["skills"]) to get the skills objects of the user.

But to use these with PFQueryTableViewController I need to construct some sort of PFQuery when overriding queryForTable to get the list of skills for a user.

How do I build this query? All it does is return the skills for a given user.

1 Answer 1

     var userQuery: PFQuery = PFUser.query()!

     userQuery.wherekey("username", equalTo: (currentUser?.username)!)

        (users, error) -> Void in

        var skills = users!

        if error == nil {
            if skills.count >= 1 {
                for i in 0...users!.count-1 {
                    self.skillTypes.append(skills[i].valueForKey("UserSkills") as! String)

            self.usersArray = users as! [PFUser]
        } else {
  • The query results go straight to override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath, object: PFObject?), thus I will have use objects instead of the skills. I guess its a limitation of the PFQueryTableVC and something custom will be required.
    – realtimez
    Jan 27, 2016 at 12:39

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