I define 2 sympy functions f, g, s.t. g is inverse of f:

import sympy as sy

g = sy.Function('g')

class f(sy.Function):
    def inverse(self, argindex=1):
        return g

x, y = sy.symbols('x y')
print sy.solve(y - f(x), x) # [g(y)] - correct

But if I try to evaluate f(g(x)) sympy doesnt simplify this:

print f(g(x))               # f(g(x))
print f(g(x)).doit()        # f(g(x)) - why not x?
print f(g(x)).simplify()    # f(g(x)) - why not x?

Question: how to say to sympy that f(g(x)) is just x?

1 Answer 1


inverse isn't implemented to do that. I opened https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/10487 for it. Ideally what I write below should work by default.

You can easily make it work by defining _eval_simplify, like

class f(sy.Function):
    def inverse(self, argindex=1):
        return g

    def _eval_simplify(self, ratio, measure):
        if isinstance(self.args[0], self.inverse()):
            return self.args[0].args[0]
        return self

If you have many classes you want to do this with you can put that in a superclass.

In [30]: f(g(x))
Out[30]: f(g(x))

In [31]: f(g(x)).simplify()
Out[31]: x

Or if you prefer for doit() to do it you can define doit().

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