1.Below Asynchoronus spring-ws application called from Camel.

<camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
        <camel:route id="inputRequest">
                <camel:from uri="spring-ws:rootqname:{http://www.example.com/fgh}Application?endpointMapping=#endpointMapping" />
            <camel:to uri="bean:ApplicationEndpoint"/>
    <camel:route id ="jmsListener">
            <camel:from uri="weblogic:queue:jms/InboundQueue?mapJmsMessage=false"/>
            <camel:bean ref="ApplicationMDP" method="onMessage"/>
  1. ApplicationEndpoint : It contains the validation information and once done it will put information in the Queue.

  2. After completion of step 2 it will return to client with 202 Acknowledgement automatically without any http post.

  3. jmsListener/ApplicationMDP: It will look for any inbound message in queue and start processing the request and finally after completing happy path we do http post to send response to client.

Issue I am facing here is : Sometime I heard from client they are receiving the Response before Acknowledgement which causing big issue. I need some advice how we can make sure Acknowledgment reaches Before http post response. Appreciate your help in advance.


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