I'm looking for a way to open a split screen editor in an Eclipse RCP application programmatically.
From an open Editor I want to open another Editor. The purpose is to compare the content of Editor1 with the content of Editor2.

What I have is the following, but this creates a split screen Editor containing the content of Editor2 twice:

MPart editorPart = editor.getSite().getService(MPart.class);
if (editorPart == null) {

I think best would be opening Editor2 left or below the current editor, so it has its own tab and close button.

  • 1
    Are you looking for something like the Compare Editor? Feb 3, 2016 at 17:20
  • The answer posted below, nails it. Just open an editor next or below the current editor. The Compare Editor would be second choise. Feb 5, 2016 at 8:34
  • I don't know your actual use case, but if the purpose is to compare the content, then a compare editor is the natural choice when using Eclipse. Feb 5, 2016 at 9:16
  • I agree, but the compare editor comes with a lot of dependencies. The "org.eclipse.compare" bundle depends also on "org.eclipse.ui.ide", which is not suited for my RCP application. Feb 5, 2016 at 9:59
  • Yes, that's reasonable. I was under the wrong impression that you were targeting the IDE. Feb 5, 2016 at 10:35

1 Answer 1


The code below splits an editor by inserting one editor into another. This is what DnD for editor tabs does in Eclipse.

     * Inserts the editor into the container editor.
     * @param ratio
     *            the ratio
     * @param where
     *            where to insert ({@link EModelService#LEFT_OF},
     *            {@link EModelService#RIGHT_OF}, {@link EModelService#ABOVE} or
     *            {@link EModelService#BELOW})
     * @param containerEditor
     *            the container editor
     * @param editorToInsert
     *            the editor to insert
    public void insertEditor(float ratio, int where, MPart containerEditor, MPart editorToInsert) {
        IWorkbenchWindow window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
        EModelService service = window.getService(EModelService.class);
        MPartStack toInsert = getPartStack(editorToInsert);

        MArea area = getArea(containerEditor);
        MPartSashContainerElement relToElement = area.getChildren().get(0);
        service.insert(toInsert, (MPartSashContainerElement) relToElement, where, ratio);

    private MPartStack getPartStack(MPart childPart) {
        MStackElement stackElement = childPart;
        MPartStack newStack = BasicFactoryImpl.eINSTANCE.createPartStack();
        return newStack;

    private MArea getArea(MPart containerPart) {
        MUIElement targetParent = containerPart.getParent();
        while (!(targetParent instanceof MArea))
            targetParent = targetParent.getParent();
        MArea area = (MArea) targetParent;
        return area;

Examples of the use the insert method are below:

insertEditor(0.5f, EModelService.LEFT_OF, containerPart, childPart);
insertEditor(0.5f, EModelService.BELOW, containerPart, childPart);

In passing, code in class SplitDropAgent2 is responsible for the DnD capability of the editor tabs.

  • Great, this does exactly what I was looking for. Thanks! Feb 5, 2016 at 8:58

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