Are there any sites to learn OLAP and Dundas easily and quickly?

Anywhere can I also see the source code. Like how the controls are interacting with db and how the Dundas charting controls are customized in backgroung code?

1 Answer 1


I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do, but here's where I'd start if I was new to both concepts:

OLAP tutorial: http://training.inet.com/OLAP/home.htm and this: http://www.learndatamodeling.com/olap_analysis.htm

Dundas: http://www.dundas.com/Dashboard/Start/Tutorials/index.aspx

If you provide more details, you may get more specific results/direction.

Hope this helps!

  • anywhere can I see the source code, like how the controls are talking to db and how the dundas charting controls are customized in code behind?
    – Nathan
    Aug 19, 2010 at 17:37

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