I'm trying to create a rewrite with nginx that will change the displayed URL without actually redirecting to it. EG: http://example.com/item/rest-of-path would become http://example.com/folder/rest-of-path. I've been working with different variations of this code with in my nginx.conf:

location ~ /example {
   rewrite ^/example/(.*) /folder/$1 last;

but that doesn't seem to be doing the trick. Any ideas where I'm going wrong here? I'll admit I'm still pretty new to server-side rewrites in general.

2 Answers 2


Try this:

location ~ /example {
   rewrite ^/example/(.*) /folder/$1 break;

use break.

  • This won't "change the displayed URL without actually redirecting to it.".
    – mrgoos
    Aug 31, 2019 at 21:04

Try this. It isn't necessary to place it under the location block, and don't forget to reload nginx.

rewrite     ^/example/(.+)$     /folder/$1 last;

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