I would like to have a question about Google Annotation Chart on the Option Filter Data (displayAnnotationsFilter)

My question: Why the Filter do not support data on the graph? (Or will it be support in the future) *When I use text to filter the data, it 's only fitter the data on the right but not on the graph. May be this is a little bit confuse. So I 've just wonder that would it be better if we can filter both the annotation data and the graph?

Google Annotation option

displayAnnotations: true, // show annotation
vAxis: {direction: 1},
displayAnnotationsFilter: true // add filter 

enter image description here

Document: https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/annotationchart

Testcode https://jsfiddle.net/lecaoquochung/dsmgL9wj/2/

  • The filter here is primarily used to find annotations, when there are several to look thru. If you would like to filter everything, you could use a Dashboard and String Filter on the annotation column...
    – WhiteHat
    Feb 12, 2016 at 16:57
  • This is a little bit different: pre-defined value and free-style search input filter. However, thank you very much and I will test it out. Feb 15, 2016 at 1:41


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