I am currently using JSch to access some files using SFTP and I also need to perform some changes in each file once it is on the remote server.

I am able to access and read the files using ChannelSftp but I would like to create a temporary file while in this remote directory as well. I cannot see a way to do this. I have the ability to make directories and remove files, but not create an empty file? Is this something you can do using ChannelSftp?

1 Answer 1


You can put an arbitrary file from an InputStream: put(InputStream src, String dst). You can upload an empty file with that as follows:

put( new ByteArrayInputStream( "".getBytes() ), "tempfile");
  • 1
    thank you this has been torturing me for like a day and a half!
    – caro
    Mar 1, 2016 at 17:24

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