We have N sets, each having N integers.

We take every pair of sets, and find their intersection set, S.

Now, we are interested to find the cardinality of the intersection set S that has maximum cardinality.


For example, let N be 4 and we have 4 sets each of 4 elements:

A= {1,2,5,6}, B= {2,5,7,6}, C= {3,4,2,6}, D= {1,4,7,8}

Now we take pairwise intersection of these sets and an intersection set having maximum cardinality= {2,5,6}

So, we return 3.

A brute force solution can be done with Θ(N3) time. Can we do it more efficiently with an other method ?

1 Answer 1


The following can reduce the running time if:

  1. There is some α > 0 such that (for fixed α and increasing n), there are two sets with at least an α fraction of overlap.

  2. Many pairs are disjoint or nearly disjoint (made more precise later).

  3. You are willing to use a high-probability Monte-Carlo algorithm (with probability of error decreasing with n).

Suppose you first transform each set into a hash table. This takes (expected) Θ(n2) time. Now for each pair of sets (i.e., an n2 loop), select √n random elements from the first set, and count the number of hits in the second set (expected O(√ n) time).

By a combination of the multiplicative Chernoff bound and the union bound, you can retain only pairs for which the number of hits was at least 1/2 α √ n.

So, with high probability, you can narrow down n2 pairs to some β n2 pairs, with time only O(n2.5). From here on continue with brute force. This is either useful or not depending on how β grows as a function as n.

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