We have a legacy system that uses boost::function intensively, now it's decided to move to newer modern C++ standards. Suppose we have a legacy function like this:

void someFunction(boost::function<void(int)>);

Is it safe to directly pass in a C++11 function?

//calling site, new C++11 code
std::function<void(int)> func = [](int x){
    //some implementation
someFunction(func); //will this always work?

Does boost::function also handles standard C++11 lambda gracefully?

// will this also work?
someFunction([](int x)->void{
    //some implementation

1 Answer 1


Yes this will work.

The important thing is that you shouldn't confuse type safety with compatibility. You're not passing std::function as a boost::function. You're telling the compiler to wrap you std::function into a boost::function.

That might not be efficient - as each will add another layer of indirection on invocation. But it will work.

Same thing goes for lambdas: there's nothing magic about lambdas, it's just syntactic sugar for a function object.

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