I am getting an exception and I cannot see why I am getting this. I want to update a DataGrid with data from SQL.

The problem seems to be connected to my ObservableCollection..

Here is the code:

private void Refresh()
    new Thread(() =>
        List<DatabaseEntry> entries = GetBrokenJobs();
        Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.Invoke(() =>

private void UpdateUi(List<DatabaseEntry> entries)
    Jobs.Clear();//<== !!! Exception origin !!!
    foreach (var jobName in entries.SelectMany(x => x.JobBezeichnung as string).ToList())

The Exception is saying I cannot modify the "SourceCollection" when I am not on Dispatcher-Thread...

But I am Invoking the calling method on the Dispatcher ?!

What am I missing here ? Where is the fault ?

  • 1
    You can only update the observablecollection from the UI-dispatcher. You start a new thread use the dispatcher of the thread. that is not equal to the dispatcher of the ui
    – Jehof
    Mar 14, 2016 at 12:57
  • So when initializing my Viewodel can I add a static Dispatcher of the UI-Thread and then take that one ?
    – Felix D.
    Mar 14, 2016 at 12:57
  • 1
    @Jehof you were right ^^ I solved it. I took the original Dispatcher of the UI-Thread
    – Felix D.
    Mar 14, 2016 at 13:01
  • That said, you don't need a Thread at all. All your thread does is invokes the method in UI thread. You can just do it without the thread. Mar 14, 2016 at 13:05
  • @SriramSakthivel I want to do the SELECT in background cause it takes some time ... and freezes the UI... The actual UI-Update needs to be on the dispatcher ..
    – Felix D.
    Mar 14, 2016 at 13:06

2 Answers 2


You can run on UI thread like this

 Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
  • oh nice :D seems to be a better solution than mine ^^
    – Felix D.
    Mar 14, 2016 at 13:07

I fixed it by creating a static variable in my ViewModel:

public static Dispatcher UI_Dispatcher { get; set; }

then in my ViewModel:

public MainViewModel(Main window)
    UI_Dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher; //Since we are on the UI-Thread when passing this piece of code this is the right Dispatcher

Later I just Invoked on the UI_Dispatcher.Invoke().

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