I'm working on building my first Android app on Titanium. I have an RSS feed loading on the first window, then after clicking a link from the rss list, I create a new window and display the full content of the rss item on that page.

What I want to achieve is that when I'm on the second window (full content of rss feed) and press the Back button from my phone, I want to return to the first window (rss list). At the moment my app exits when pressing the back button from anywhere from my app.

On the first window, I have specified exitOnClose: true and on the second I have specified exitOnClose: false. Not sure if that's what I need to do.

Any help is much appreciated & thanks in advance.



3 Answers 3


I found the answer.

When I open a new window, I just pass modal:true and that fixes it

  • 1
    Another thing that helps is creating the window with fullscreen: false
    – Kaitnieks
    Oct 17, 2011 at 10:24

Let try

var btnMap = Ti.UI.createButton ({
    title:'Click here to open map',
    width:300, height:50, top:100
btnMap.addEventListener('click', function(){
    var mapWin = Titanium.UI.createWindow({  
        title:'France Map',

It means you should use Ti.UI.currentTab.open(mapWin) instead of use mapWin.open(). Remember that always use tab to manage your window.

  • Is there any way to add navigation bar in titanium? Dec 27, 2011 at 6:39

If you open a new window with and it has a bar at the top it will have a button to the previous page automatically. You can also put a button into the bar on your own

var back = Ti.UI.createButton({
    title: "Back",
back.addEventListener("click", function() {

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