I'm calling $("#foobar").css("line-height") and getting back "normal". How do I translate this to a pixel amount? Is "normal" defined in the CSS spec or is it browser specific?

  • Which browser/platform were you using? A live demo might help too (jsbin.com and jsfiddle.net are both good). Firefox 3.6.8 and Chrome 6.0.472.51 beta (on Ubuntu 10.04) both return pixel values, as expected. On SO $('div.container').css('line-height'); returns 11.2px (FF). Sep 1, 2010 at 0:59
  • 1
    Chrome on Windows XP returns normal
    – Robert
    Sep 1, 2010 at 1:38

6 Answers 6


According to this page, it seems most of recent browsers use the same value for line-height: normal : 1.14, id est the font-size property with a 1.14 coefficient.

Tried with several browsers (on Windows XP) :

  • Chrome 21.0.1180.75
  • Firefox 14.0.1
  • Safari 5.1.7
  • Opera 11.64
  • IE 7
  • IE 8


I was wrong, line-height depends of font-family, font-size, your browser, maybe your OS...

More reading on Eric Meyers' website.

  • So does this mean "line-height: 1.14em" is the equivalent but explicit statement? Jun 12, 2013 at 14:54
  • I assumed it, but it's not true. line-height depends of font-family, font-size, your browser, maybe your OS... You'll find some reading on Eric Meyers' website
    – zessx
    Jun 12, 2013 at 15:14
  • Still Zeplin thinks it's a useful value to give to developers :S
    – OZZIE
    Oct 3, 2019 at 12:39

Normal is actually referred to as abnormal on several instances as there is quite a browser inconsistency.

declaring line-height: normal not only vary from browser to browser, which I had expected—in fact, quantifying those differences was the whole point—but they also vary from one font face to another, and can also vary within a given face.

  • 7
    I thought it worth offering a link back to Eric Meyer's site for the source of your quote, for a fascinating read: meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2008/05/06/line-height-abnormal Sep 1, 2010 at 1:14
  • -1 since this doesn't come close to answering the question. Good info, but should have been a comment. Apr 26, 2012 at 14:02
  • 2
    @MartinJespersen I am not going to delete the answer as, even after reading it now, I still think I answered correctly as normal is browser specific and, therefore, inconsistent across browser and should not be translated to pixels. That said I am very appreciative you took the time to provide feedback about the downvote, thanks! :)
    – Frankie
    Apr 26, 2012 at 19:34

normal is a valid setting for line-height so there isn't really a way around that for the browsers that will return that.

Alternatively, you can use .css('height') , as it will count only the interior section of an element, not padding/border/margin. It would take a little creativity if you had a multi-line element, or an element with more than just text in it.


Edit: An example of a work around would be having

<span id='def' style='line-height:inherit;display:none;'>&nbsp;</span>

within the element, then to find the line height you could just use the .height() of #def as it will always be only one line and thus, the line height of the parent element.

Chrome in Windows XP is an example of a browser that returns normal in that jsfiddle unless explicitly specified otherwise. Firefox returns a pixel count. normal is the initial value per w3 spec. http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#propdef-line-height

  • Apparently the workaround you provided seems to be the best option. Thanks for that.
    – inhan
    Oct 29, 2013 at 20:13

Exactly calculating normal line-height in pixel is difficult. Though, according to MDN it's roughly 1.2em.

If you've:

  font-size: 16px;

So, your website has normal font-size as 16px then the normal line-height would be roughly 24px. This means you can calculate normal font-size pixel value multiplied by 1.5 that is 16px * 1.5 == 24px

Notice: I didn't multiplied by 1.2 because there's difference between px value and em value.

  • A small hint: take control of the browser(s) initial values and never use normal. As many remember the old font-size: 101% hack and many other things, one approach as of 2018 is to reset html, and use the rem unit value when wanting "normal" on any other element like html { line-height: 1.15; font-size: 10px; } and then body { line-height: 1.3125; font-size: 1.6rem; } = consistant 16px font size and 21px line-height. Then use line-height: 2.1rem; to normalize elements if you concider 21px as normal. (just devide XX px with 10 to get rem: 1.2rem = 12px, 2.0rem = 20px). Jun 25, 2018 at 13:31

However this was written a long time ago but helped me to wrote temporary solution in my task. I'm copying this code than maybe other people can use it.

.click(function() {
    var box = GetSelectedBox();
    var ct = box.data('LineHeight');
    if (isNaN(ct))
        ct = 0;
    box.css('line-height', (parseFloat(box.css('font-size')) * 1.61 + ct) + 'px');
    box.data('LineHeight', ct);

.click(function () {
    var box = GetSelectedBox();
    var ct = box.data('LineHeight');
    if (isNaN(ct))
        ct = 0;
    box.css('line-height', (parseFloat(box.css('font-size')) * 1.61 + ct) + 'px');
    box.data('LineHeight', ct);

Here's how you can understand and utilize the CSS line-height property:

Syntax for CSS Line-Height:

line-height: normal | number | length | initial | inherit;

As you delve into using CSS line-height values, keep this guide close:

Normal: This is the standard line height and is typically about 1.2 on most desktop browsers, but it can vary depending on the font family used.

Length: Specify an exact line height using units like cm, pt, or px. This measurement will define the height of your line boxes.

Percentage: Set the line height relative to the element's font size. This allows for scalable and responsive design.

Number: Inputting a number will multiply with the current font size to derive the line height. This method is often preferred for its consistency and predictable results.

Initial: Resets the property to its default value, as defined by the CSS specifications.

Inherit: The line height is taken from the parent element, ensuring consistency in inherited styling.

Refer to these definitions as you work with the line-height property to enhance the readability and design of your text elements.

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