I have working on my project where I created table with multiple rows. Now I want to submit elements from table row where user enter their information but not entire from. So I was wondering what is the best way to pass all the element from that table row to hidden from that way I can submit just information from that specific row. Here is my code:

<form name='slotsPtc' id='slotsPtc' method='POST'>
              <input type='text' name='EMAIL' value='' class="email"/>
              <input type='button' name='slot' value='Save' onClick='saveSlot(this)'></span>
              <input type='hidden' value='userID'/>
              <input type='hidden' value='dateSignUp'/>

function saveSlot(btn){
   //Here I want to submit my form with information entered in table row.

Should I pass information to my function after onClick event and then create dynamically form and pass all information? Or there is some better way to do this?

  • you can use Ajax to send your information as a json to the server without creating a new form Apr 1, 2016 at 16:34
  • A regular submit will submit all inputs inside your <form> but you can do a custom submit with jQuery with a custom data member.
    – PinkTurtle
    Apr 1, 2016 at 16:35

3 Answers 3


My proposal is:

function saveSlot(btn){
  var frm = document.getElementById('slotsPtc');
  // disable the button until the form is successfully submitted or on failure
  // this to avoid to submit while submitting the same data
  btn.disabled = true;
    url: frm.action,
    type: frm.method,
    data: $(btn).parent('tr').find(':input').serialize(),
    success: function(result) {
      // enable again the button
      btn.disabled = false;
      // form submitted with success
    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
      // enable again the button in any case
      btn.disabled = false;
      // form submitted with failure
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.1.min.js"></script>

<form name='slotsPtc' id='slotsPtc' method='POST'>
              <input type='text' name='EMAIL' value='' class="email"/>
              <input type='button' name='slot' value='Save' onClick='saveSlot(this)'></span>
                <input type='hidden' value='userID'/>
                <input type='hidden' value='dateSignUp'/>
              <input type='text' name='EMAIL1' value='' class="email"/>
              <input type='button' name='slot1' value='Save' onClick='saveSlot(this)'></span>
                <input type='hidden' value='userID1'/>
                <input type='hidden' value='dateSignUp1'/>

  • I tried this code and for some reason my form is empty after I submit the form. I'm not sure why. Apr 1, 2016 at 17:48

My recommendation would be to do something like this, then POST your form data found via the selector:

    console.log($(this).parents('tr').find('td input'));

Example (check your console for the object from the selector):



So instead of using this:

data: $(btn).parent('tr').find(':input').serialize()

I had to use this:


For some reason when I used first line of code my form was empty after I submitted. Then I switched and used closest('td').find(':input') and that gave me correct input fields with valid values.

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