My server is an apache 2.2 who serves php applications, now I would like to configure it to serve J2EE applications as well.

I think there is an Apache module to deploy WAR files into it, Could anybody help me?


2 Answers 2


Apache is a web server. It doesn't have a servlet/JSP engine built into it.

You can install Tomcat, which is a servlet/JSP engine, and configure Apache to forward requests for servlets and JSPs to it.

You should also know that Tomcat is not a full Java EE app server. It's a servlet/JSP engine, just a subset of Java EE. It doesn't have capabilities for EJBs or JMS. You'll have to add OpenEJB and ActiveMQ to Tomcat to get those.


Apache + mod_proxy + Java EE application server (tomcat + openejb, glassfish, jboss...)


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