I have code that looks something like the below:

(defn on-message [event]

(defn build-websocket []
  (let [ws (js.window.WebSocket. "ws://localhost:8888/ws/")]
    (set! (.-onopen ws) on-open)
    (set! (.-onclose ws) on-close)
    (set! (.-onerror ws) on-error)
    (set! (.-onmessage ws) on-message)

I'm using figwheel. I have noticed that when I change my callbacks (on-message, on-error, etc), the app does reload, but old versions of these functions still get called.

(defn on-message [event]
  ; Changed. Requires hard reload to be called on websocket message.

I understand that this is because the old version of the function is still referenced by the websocket.

Is there a pattern that would make this code reloadable? Perhaps I should be using core/async? If so, what would that look like?

1 Answer 1


Perhaps your code is not reloadable. Another thing to look at, for quick fix, is to always reload the namespace when you save from your editor/IDE:

(ns ^:figwheel-always my.namespace
  (:require [clojure.string :as str])

Notice the ^:figwheel-always metadata.

For more on writing reloadable code see here.

  • I think you're right, non-"reloadable" code is exactly the issue. Thank you for the link and terminology, I've updated the question, and will research reloadable code.
    – meshy
    Apr 10, 2016 at 20:05

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